Something else to make old white men angry...
Want to understand organized puppeteering otherwise known as correlated "talking points" and another unimportant theme from the Silly Section?
How about "wussification?"
(Alternet) Fox News getting desperater and desperater for something potent to push
(Alternet) Fox News getting desperater and desperater for something potent to push
10. Yoga For Children :On January 3, Fox & Friendsasked whether young children participating in yoga is leading to the "wussification of America."
9.Fines For Poor Sportsmanship: Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade wondered if this represented "wussification" or "good sportsmanship."
8. A Police Officer Who Was Suspended For Cursing: Fox contributor Arthur Aidala said this is the "wussification of America, literally,"
7. Paid Internships: Morris asked if interns deserve money for their work, or if this demonstrates an "entitlement generation" and the "wussification of America."
6. The Possible Redskins Name Change: On the November 1 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, guest host Eric Bolling was incredulous that the NFL's Washington Redskins considered changing their team name to something less racially offensive, characterizing the proposed change as the continued "wussification of America."
5. Common Core Math Strategies: On August 19, Fox & Friends guest host Anna Kooiman wondered if new Common Core math standards' emphasis on the learning process actually represented "the continuation of the wussification of America."
4. Helmets For Youth Soccer League: Kilmeade asked if this meant "we [have] become a bunch of wussies in this country" because "we're not open to the good old head injury like we used to."
3. Human Resources: Winget criticized America from being a "huge nation of weenies,"
2. Co-Ed Sports Teams: Bolling labeled the idea of co-ed sports teams the "wussification of American men,"
1. Firing Abusive Coaches: On April 3, Fox News' Eric Bolling described the firing of Rutgers University basketball coach Mike Rice, who was captured in a video beingphysically and verbally abusive to players and spouting homophobic slurs, as the "wimpifying" and "wussificating" of America and part of a trend in "basically making men Chihuahuas."