Larry Dossey, M.D.
Where Were the Doctors? Torture and the Betrayal of Medicine
When most Americans think about torture, they imagine that it is practiced only by rogue regimes in third-world countries. Since April 2004, when a flood of photographs flowed from Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, we have learned otherwise.
The world now knows that torture and the dehumanizing treatment of prisoners is routinely engaged in by our country. And to the shock of many, including myself, we also know, largely as a result of Dr. Steven Miles' courageous book, that medical personnel have often been complicit in these activities. Miles describes six ways in which medical personnel collaborate with torturers.
"Some examine prisoners to certify them as capable of withstanding harsh interrogation.
Some monitor and treat persons during interrogation so that health-endangering treatment may proceed.
Some conceal evidence of abuse, either by designing nonscarifying techniques or by ensuring that medical documents or death certificates do not record injuries.
Some conduct abusive research. Some oversee the systematic neglect of prisoners' needs for health care, sanitation, food, and shelter.
Many keep silent as their imprisoned patients are abused."
This may sound like a non-lethal list of grievances against medical personnel until one looks at actual cases. Miles describes specific instances of torture and homicide in American prisons in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
These cases are not for the lighthearted. Many are gruesome, reminding one of medieval torture procedures used during the
Inquisition.The strappado is an ancient form of torture in which a victim is suspended by means of a rope attached to his hands, which are tied behind his back. It is also known as reverse hanging or Palestinian hanging, because of its use by Israel in Palestinian territories. It is believed that Machiavelli was subjected to it during his 1513 imprisonment after he allegedly conspired against the Medici
family in Florence.It was also used by the Nazis at Auschwitz concentration camp.
It has reemerged in American-controlled prisons in the Middle East.
When you think about the implications of the Cheney/Bushco attitude regarding torture, you have either a total sociopathic mental health state for an entire Republican era
... or you have a huge element of panic based on irrational thinking.
Was that the desired brand of wise governance we were trusting to keep us safe?
Think about it because this applies even to those non-prominent fellow citizens and neighbors who are willing to tolerate torture as either some sort of justifiable Jack Bauer silliness ...
... or the equally absurd notion that only Americans cannot be violated. Everyone else on the globe is fair game.
Leaders, fellow-citizens and neighbors of that mindset won't hesitate to come for you if they get into some irrational panic state about you as opposed to their own extreme and irrational notion of jingoistic patriotism masquerading as citizenship and love of country.
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