My dear child,
It has come to my attention that there are religious fools, (which usually starts among the officers) currently serving with you.
These American pretend soldiers are not your typical noble American warriors who have sworn an oath to defend the country and Constitution.
Rather, they have taken it upon themselves to pretend that the old Testament God who gets mad enough to kill people is still in charge.
They believe that the same false god inspired the U.S. Constitution and formation of a military order of soldiers who are to be primarily warriors for His Son.
Do not be tempted to take their spiritual opinions, advice and counsel as gospel my child.
America is not God’s chosen weapon of vengeance nor enforcement of a freedom all over the world won with blood and at the point of a weapon.
America is not the home of modern versions of medieval crusaders who plundered, raped and killed while believing that God and Jesus wanted them to do so.
America is not the home of generals whom God has ordained nor has Jesus authorized to kill indiscriminately in His name.
Never will America be commanded to blow them away in the name of the Lord.
Never will you be legally authorized by any officer or non-com to commit murder or any atrocity as your duty to God and country.
If you commit such acts you will be guilty of shedding innocent blood and will not be able to blame it on the moral cowards who commanded you.
If you fall into that kind of pit I encourage you to make immediate contact with me so that we can try together in all our love and devotion to do whatever it takes to protect your life, your integrity and your soul.
Unlike those military liars, I cannot nor will I ever demand that you blindly accept my own moral judgments in place of your own.
Unlike those military liars I CAN promise you that you WILL be accountable for blindly accepting as some sort of duty and obligatory response to the foolish evangelizing they believe they have the power to force on you.
There ARE people in and close to the military who will back you up should you ever have to stand up to your officers and non-coms who want you to believe they can punish you for ignoring their religious attitudes and practices.
I can help put you in contact with them.
I praise you for your willingness to serve our country.
I am your father and have a long history of loving you just as you are.
Should anyone among you cause you to question your worth as a soldier always remember that I can and will watch your back.
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