On Networks and Reporters Desperate for an angle
Pike Boomdropper came by tonight to invite me to a public meeting. Said the the movers and the shakers in the neighborhood have decided that a body might not be a patriot if they're not wearin a little lapel on their bib overalls when they go into the tavern to talk real man talk.
Said his wife was setting up a special meeting of the Ladies' Home Culture Club to draw up a petition for the village of Elk Snout to pass a resolution declaring Obama an Arnold Benedict to our country cause he aint got no flyin flutterin flag badge of courage on his suit lapel.
Rumor has it that Obama also ain't willing to hold his hand on his stomach when he says the pledge. Don't recall hearing that Obama refused to say the pledge - which ought to be the better test than where he puts his hands. Heck, when I was in high school I knowed a kid put his hand on his girl friend's chest every time the pledge was being said. He thought it was funny.
Course that was before desperate networks with desperate needs decided that even the most trivial of topics might earn a buck.
Can you imagine all the cheeks-puffed, red-face pundit/patriots who've found more than one way to betray the public seating and groaning about whether or not a lapel makes a fellow patriotic?
I do know that the Republican Party is full of patriots who advocated and voted for war and never served back when they could.
I do know that some of the biggest chest-pounders for war based on flag-wavin have themselves been unwilling to put their boots where their mouths are.
I don't watch much TV news anymore. Seems like they announce nothing but trivialities - you know, the mountain groans and labors and gives birth to a mouse
Pike Boomdropper came by tonight to invite me to a public meeting. Said the the movers and the shakers in the neighborhood have decided that a body might not be a patriot if they're not wearin a little lapel on their bib overalls when they go into the tavern to talk real man talk.
Said his wife was setting up a special meeting of the Ladies' Home Culture Club to draw up a petition for the village of Elk Snout to pass a resolution declaring Obama an Arnold Benedict to our country cause he aint got no flyin flutterin flag badge of courage on his suit lapel.
Rumor has it that Obama also ain't willing to hold his hand on his stomach when he says the pledge. Don't recall hearing that Obama refused to say the pledge - which ought to be the better test than where he puts his hands. Heck, when I was in high school I knowed a kid put his hand on his girl friend's chest every time the pledge was being said. He thought it was funny.
Course that was before desperate networks with desperate needs decided that even the most trivial of topics might earn a buck.
Can you imagine all the cheeks-puffed, red-face pundit/patriots who've found more than one way to betray the public seating and groaning about whether or not a lapel makes a fellow patriotic?
I do know that the Republican Party is full of patriots who advocated and voted for war and never served back when they could.
I do know that some of the biggest chest-pounders for war based on flag-wavin have themselves been unwilling to put their boots where their mouths are.
I don't watch much TV news anymore. Seems like they announce nothing but trivialities - you know, the mountain groans and labors and gives birth to a mouse

Hail The Irrelevant Broadcast Patriots
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