Friday, January 13, 2012

The clown car party and its clown car candidates

A new Democracy Corps poll revealed a nightmare scenario for Republicans where not only does Obama get reelected but Democrats regain total control of Congress.
The Democratic Party has taken the lead on the generic congressional ballot, 47%-44%. 
Independents have shifted back to the Democratic Party. Democrats have taken a two point lead.
The behavior of Republicans in Congress has turned off voters. 53% of respondents said the more they watched the Republicans in Congress, the less they like what they are offering. Approval of Republicans in Congress has dropped to a new low of 28%, and 8% strongly approve of the Republican caucus.
The party’s 2012 presidential candidate clown car is making things even worse. 53% of Republican  respondents said the more they watch the GOP nomination, the less they like what the Republican Party has to offer. Mitt Romney is not personally popular with Republicans or Independents. 31% of Republicans and 27% of Independents had warm feelings for Romney. 
Obama leads Romney by one point (47%-46%). If Paul gets in as a 3rd party candidate, Romney loses 12 points and falls to 34%. Obama only loses three points if Paul runs as an Independent. Paul draws the support of 18% of the electorate. (A third party candidacy by Ron Paul would split the Republican vote, and hand the election to Obama).
An unpopular Republican congress, an unpopular nominee, and 3rd party dissonance could add up to a perfect storm of defeat for the GOP. 
Looks like that the more people get to know the Republican Party, the less likely they are to support their candidates.
It is possible that Democrats could take back the House, keep the Senate, and win the White House.
With that kind of majority, maybe more of the original hopes of those who voted for Obama in 2008 could be realized.

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