Monday, January 23, 2012

Today's Silly Section

Tennessee Tea Party: Slavery? What slavery?

To whitewash one of the darkest practices in America history, conservatives proposed that textbooks refer to the slave trade as the “Atlantic triangular trade.”
Now Tennessee Tea Party members are taking their efforts a step further and trying to eliminate references to slavery in American history textbooks. Salon reports that Tea Partiers who fetishize America’s founders are “demanding” that students not be taught that many of them owned slaves: 
For a bunch of people who worship the Founders and like to play dress-up American Revolutionary War, Tea Partyers sure hate knowing anything remotely reality-based about the Founding FathersTennessee Tea Party groups have introduced a proposal to take what few minorities there are in American history textbooks out of American history textbooks, along with any negative portrayals of the wealthy white men who led this young nation in its infancy.
At a press conference, two dozen activists presented their proposals — I’m sorry, their “demands” — for the new state legislative session. Among them are sweeping changes to school materials that they probably have not actually read. [...]
Fayette County attorney Hal Rounds, the group’s lead spokesman during the news conference, said the group wants to address “an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another.”

And this which of course dis-identifies innocent children in the name of bigtory. 

IOWA CONSERVATIVES OPPOSE BILL TO LIST SAME-SEX PARENTS ON BIRTH CERTIFICATESRepublican lawmakers in Iowa are opposing a bill that would require “state health officials to list both members of same-sex marriages on their children’s birth certificates” because Iowans did not vote on the right of gay and lesbian people to get married, the Des Moines Register reports. Openly gay state Sen. Matt McCoy (D) introduced the measure after officials failed “to correctly interpret older Iowa law in light of the Iowa Supreme Court ruling” and list the names of two same-sex parents in at least one incident

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