Saturday, July 26, 2014

The argument we have about abortion is not about abortion.

  • The argument we have about abortion is not about abortion. It's about when life begins. And we argue it, and we argue, and we argue! And I say we take all the people who think they know and yell and scream and they're sure when life begins and they're sure when life ends, and we lock them in a room. And we tell them to figure it out. And they don't come out until they do. And if they can't, then we kill them. - Lewis Black
I accept the sincerity of literal-minded belief. I also insist that such sincerity include an honest appraisal of the consequences of the literality of that belief; of one's own projections on the reality of everyone else and how a belief make become an unnecessary overriding factor in interaction with us non-literals. 

We non-literals are not anxious to be offended for God who doesn't seem to be saying or doing much about his own sense of offendedness on these important self-righteous value judgments.

This couple says the same thing in short and sweet signs.

While pro-life protesters hold signs that read, "Babies are murdered here" and "Pregnant mothers need support not abortion," the Raleigh, N.C. couple stands beside them holding signs with irreverent messages like, "I like turtles" and "Honk if you're horny."
The "pro-choice husband/wife team" documents their adventures on their Tumblr,Saturday Chores. On their site, Tina wrote that the couple's first counter-protest "happened on a bit of a whim" in March when they were driving through Cary and passed the clinic.

"When we arrived, the “Babies Are Murdered Here” people put away all their signs, stopped yelling at the people going into the clinic, and prayed for “Grayson’s wife.” Victory. "

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