Tuesday, December 25, 2018

the worst president we've ever had ... who? Baby Boomer Shame

Desperate to Leave the Scene of His Own Accidents ... 
and be remembered as ... what?
Former Vice President Dick Cheney took another swipe at President Barack Obama on Tuesday, criticizing him over the Iran deal framework put in place last week.

Cheney, who accused Iran of having "one of the most radical regimes in history" and being "sworn to destroy Israel," told radio host Hugh Hewitt the deal will be a "burden" on the next occupant of the White House.

"This is a totally radical regime that is the premiere sponsor of state terrorism in the world, and Obama's about to give them nuclear weapons," Cheney said. "

It's, I can't think of a more terrible burden to leave the next president than what Obama is creating here."

Cheney went on to call Obama "the worst president we've ever had.

If you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama's doing," Cheney said. - Source:HuffPo 4/8/15 
Now mind you, as a practicing curmudgeon, the single most important thing I've learned as a member of an audience in the present of one guy saying stuff about the other guy who he wants to make look worse than himself ... well ... 

is to personally follow up on what is said. If, as it was most of the time, I was unable to speak to the declarer in person, I had to go into forbidden territory ... you know, do some work ... look stuff up ... don't depend on lefty or righty talking heads to define what I just heard or read.

Seems to me there should be more personal assessment of things and less gullible-belief of them there mindslinging broadcast stampeders and political candidates.

Nuff said about looking stuff up.

Let me get this straight: Mr. Cheney says that Obama is the worst president and, I presume has logic, history, research and honesty on his side as he asks you and mean to be the judges.

I have no need to defend Mr. Obama other than to say that if Cheney is right, President Obama has to come in under a bar his predecessor - with the help of Mr. Cheney - set pretty ... well ... low.

Now I'm going to offer the following pictorial resume with some commentary and refer you to that famous Fox News chestnut: I report and you decide.

We know that in terms of executive privilege, what Mr. Cheney says about Mr. Obama looks a lot like what we were saying about Mr. Bush for 8 years.

Liars liars pants on fires ... you decide.

And if Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney were telling us truths, is this what we really needed to make us and the Middle East more secure?

Here's the essence and harvest of the Bush, Cheney & Associates wise leadership plan for American security and stability in the Middle East

When things got even butt-uglier, desperate times called for desperate measures eh? And the Dick-Cheney-we're-not-the-worst-presidency launched this sort of thing. Did that do anything to ameliorate the passions of our supposed victims/enemies whenever they had the opportunity to inflict physical messiness on non-Middle-Easterners in the name of their own foreign policy and their own superior religion?

Which American President has done more to impose the following image on the rest of the world when our interests are threatened?

 Well ...

In the interest of full disclosure, I am and have not been a respected of Republicans since they quit selecting honorable men to run against Democrats and that was back in the 1990s.

Nor am I a respecter of Democrats since they have proven to be a spineless posse who won't stand up for the American people and have been unwilling or afraid to start a public bar fight with crooks and liars in the other party.

But I am an American citizen, and American Veteran and I believe in but don't see a lot of civic honesty.

But I want to speak as a Veteran.

I've listened long enough to Dick Cheney's pretenses to knowing more about what it means to command in wartime than veterans who've been there and done that. Mr. Cheney hasn't ever been there.

Pretending to speak as someone who has been there and has done that demonstrates the desperation of ignorant arrogance. Giving public speeches that preach only to a Reflublican choir where you most likely won't be challenged-  that's what chicken hawks do ... desperate chicken hawks.

Posturing as one so wise about real leadership is part and parcel of the shallowness by which he pretended to govern and administer responsibilities in a way that respects the country and its citizens.

The reason for that in view of his lack of personal military experience is the intellectual hubris and academic assumptions. Book learning is still just book learning. A college education without on-the-job experience and exposure is still limited to textbooks and theories.

A Vice President's inability to express empathy with the American military's day-to-day reality continues to broadcast much more powerfully and loudly than his criticisms around who is fit or unfit for leadership - particularly in a military role.

In partnering with George Bush, who seemed to think that substance communicates itself in swagger, bravado and foolish stubbornness, they pretended to the wisdom of Lincoln and Roosevelt, both of whom actually demonstrated wise wartime leadership.

Mr. Cheney and his president revealed something more like the rash arrogance of George Armstrong Custer. Political advisers then and now have been so blatantly devious, manipulative, and disingenuous that it is no longer possible to separate the candidates from their managers regardless of a pretense of aloofness and no connection to campaign negativity and dirty tricks.

Mr. Cheney's discredited opinion will ultimately have significant impact on a terrorist attack. Such an attack, if it comes, will have occurred at a moment whose impact could have been diminished if Cheney and Bush had given a higher priority to America's need for greater preparation and homeland protection while on watch and not wasted our resources in a singularly misguided and mismanaged context in Iraq.

The least helpful Americans are those currently elected and former officials who have demonstrated a fear of straight talk, an unwillingness to accept responsibility, a willingness to manipulate and even falsify truth in an all-out attempt to stay in office. They include politicians who have compromised legitimate conservative values in an unwise desire to further the interests of one party at the expense of the country.

Even the members of the Republican choir have offered opinion about Cheney's assertions. Would you believe the propaganda flagship, Fox News?

Megan Kelly interviewed Cheney live last June and quoted from Cheney's article, in which he and his daughter Liz Cheney wrote: "Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many."

"But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well in Iraq, sir," Kelly said. "You said there was no doubt Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction; you said we would be greeted as liberators; you said the Iraq insurgency was in the last throes back in 2005; and you said that after our intervention, extremists would have to, quote, 'rethink their strategy of jihad.' Now, with almost a trillion dollars spent there, with 4,500 American lives lost there, what do you say to those who say you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?"  - theweek.com

It has been asked, "Who wants to be the last soldier to die for a lie?"

An equally important question to be asked is, "Who wants to be remembered as that part of an electorate persuaded to vote for candidates whose most powerful political efforts demonstrated an acute lack of moral and ethical integrity, on obsession with secrecy and little reverence for the truth?"

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