RD Magazine: Former Navy Chaplain Worries Ending DADT will End “Gay Exorcisms”
Gordon Kingenschmitt, former Navy Chaplain, describes the process on the David Pakman show.
Klingenschmitt: As a chaplain I prayed with a young lesbian sailor who came to me and said, “Chaplain, I don’t like the way I’m feeling. Can you help me with this?”
We prayed with her and she renounced her sin, she invited Jesus Christ to be the first man in her life that she trusted. We had a wedding ceremony. She wept as Jesus moved into her heart and got the devil out of her…
Pakman: So you’re saying that you believe a gay exorcism is a legitimate and worthwhile thing to do in these cases?
Klingenschmitt: Well, it’s the only spiritual solution to a spiritual disease. I looked into her eyes and said “You foul demon of lesbian homosexuality, come out of this woman in Jesus’ name” she began to weep and she loved Jesus.
As RD reports, the wedding ceremony was to “marry the woman to Jesus.”
Klingenschmitt: "She got baptized and started dating boys."
Now from a strictly moral standpoint, if Catholic nuns are married to Jesus, they become brides a Christ.
This from a former nun:
Before we became novices, we marched down the church aisle in bridal attire to become "brides of Christ".
Nothing much was said about Jesus as we prepared for this event. Rather, our emotions were at high pitch over the changes in our names.
I went from Miss Mary Ann to Sr. M. Laurian, O.S.B. I was a bride of Christ, and I knew little about Him other than He was the Son of God.
Klingenshcmitt is not Catholic but if this former gay-exorcised lesbian is now married to Jesus at the same time she is dating boys, what has really been accomplished?
Has not one “evil” been replaced by another of equal seriousness in the eyes of God?
Who is Klingenshchmitt? RD reports that,
“Klingenschmitt claims he was drummed out of the Navy because he wanted to pray in the name of Jesus. In fact, he got tossed out for being insubordinate” as he violated military regulations forbidding servicemembers from wearing their uniforms to partisan events.
His discharge from the military has made him a hero to the religious right, a role he has embraced.
So how does he support himself?
The former chaplain is busy making his living on the fringes of the religious right in the US. When challenged by Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and Rev. Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Klingenshcmitt responded by asking God to take Weinstein and Lynn out.
“Let us pray. Almighty God, today we pray imprecatory prayers from Psalm 109 against the enemies of religious liberty, including Barry Lynn and Mikey Weinstein, who issued press releases this week attacking me personally.
God, do not remain silent, for wicked men surround us and tell lies about us. We bless them, but they curse us. Therefore find them guilty, not me.
Let their days be few, and replace them with Godly people.
Plunder their fields, and seize their assets.
Cut off their descendants, and remember their sins, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Listen below! And call & ask your local Christian radio station to broadcast this 60-second prayer many times throughout the day on Saturday April 25, 2009.
What shall we do with the likes of Gordon Klingenschmitt.
I agree with Candace Chellew-Hodge, author of the RD article:
I suggest an exorcism for Klingenschmitt.
“You foul demon of bigotry, come out of this man, in Jesus’ name!”
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