Sunday, January 2, 2011

We have the truth … we are saved … but we are still the most tragic victims in America


Politician or preacher, it don’t matter. If he drags out the persecution complex, reach for your wallet and prepare to hate someone.

Here’s a good sample of someone who practices selective and hate-based morality telling the gullible how victimized his social club is.

Gary Bauer: If Christians Were Treated Like Muslims

Course historically, the original Christian victims became the ultimate religious persecutors and inquisitors with the bloodiest history by far on the planet.

I’d like to see a rebuttal to the following speculations in response to His Holiness Gary Bauer’s woe-is-us complex:

What if Christians were treated the same way American Muslims are really treated here? Particularly by overly religious politicians and devout law-and-order types?

To wit:

Christians would be racially profiled at public places and transportation hubs.

Christians wouldn't be allowed to build churches wherever they pleased.

Christians wouldn't be allowed to wear their traditional garb without mocking and angry looks.

Christians wouldn't be allowed to say the word "Jesus" without triggering alarm bells at the NSA.

Christians wouldn't be allowed to go to church without having their property vandalized, and even being physically attacked.

Christians would be the villain in every action thriller.

Christians wouldn't be able to run for office without having bigots accuse them of being in league with terrorists. – Marcos Moulitsas

Buy and sip on Bauer’s hateful sacramental kool-aid if it makes you feel holy … but I ask you seriously … what grand religious effect to you get when you swallow?

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